Kind words from my clients

“Natira’s super power is her ability to help executives magnify the most relatable, likable, trustworthy parts of themselves and project them to their audience.”

Chief Strategy Officer, Havas Media

“Natira has Jedi methods that help you get better without your even realizing it. Her deep insight into each individual's strengths and weaknesses is the material she works with, not just gloss.  Best of all, she is a great human.”

Managing Partner, Analytics, IPG MEDIABRANDS

“Connecting with Natira and our work together would best be described as serendipitous! After a year of seeing myself on screen, I wanted to hide. In all the stress of the “new normal,” I had lost touch with the spark inside me which meant I was tripping myself up with self doubt. After my first session with Natira, she saw me hiding and coaxed me out of my shell. And she kept coaxing and coaching because she saw my shimmer when I couldn’t see it so clearly myself. I’m still working through zoom fatigue and missing the natural sharing of physical energy that happens off screen, but I’m no longer missing that energy that shines from within. I’m feeling more confident to show up as authentic self (screens be damned!) and ready for what’s next for me!”

SVP, Media.Monks Americas

“I can’t thank Natira enough. In the week after our coaching session, I had two interviews: one for a full-time position and one for a consultancy. I was offered BOTH roles. Now I have a full time job and a consulting role. 

My cousin, who was with me during our session, also grasped Natira's insights. A few days later, she had an interview for a chef role at Omni hotels in the US; she was hired, too!

Next week, I will be giving a talk in Atlanta and I will be using the insights Natira shared with me to deliver my best.”

Social Innovator

“I was a week away from a conference talk and feeling really stuck on pieces of my presentation. Natira asked really thoughtful questions and coached me to stay focused on the impact I wanted my talk to have. By getting me out of the weeds and reconnected to my intent for the talk, I landed on a wholly unexpected introduction that I was totally excited about. I'm so grateful to have had Natira's support and coaching to get me there.”

Leadership Coach

“Coaching with Natira makes a huge difference in my ability to be brave personally, creatively and professionally through my business.

Natira is so skilled at seeing what's most meaningful in what I share. The way she facilitates powerful visualizations during our sessions allows me to examine with fresh eyes the places where I feel stuck and helps me find my path forward.”

Creativity Coach

“Natira helped me identify the barriers that were preventing me from realizing my objectives. Her natural, empathetic style coupled with her deep understanding of my industry served as an amazing foundation to our conversations.  If you need help getting unstuck, Natira is a great person to bring on board.”

EVP, NA Strategy Director, Iris Worldwide

“Natira’s true gift is her ability to provide a deeper understanding of why being authentically yourself is so important to being a persuasive speaker when you’re in front of an audience. She leads with an openness that has allowed our talent to explore techniques, methods and ways to present that are uniquely theirs and effective.”

Talent Development Manager, R/GA

“Natira helped me pinpoint the core of what I wanted to say and gave me the confidence to present it in public. She helped me face my insecurities and bring out the best in me.”

Chair, Board of Directors, NYC Children’s Theater

“Natira has a unique ability to identify issues and connect with people. She is a valuable asset to any CEO.”

Chief People Officer, Havas

“Natira’s approach is thoughtful, non-judgmental and honest. She helped me tap into my authentic self and to honor it. She pushed me outside my comfort zone, with gentleness and support. Exactly the approach I needed to move me toward my goals.”

Faculty, Elisabeth Morrow School