Escaping talk-tracks

After the pandemic spurred so many zoom calls, it's been easy to rely on talk-tracks that can be up on your computer while presenting. Do you worry you're losing the skill to speak without those scripts? Or, are you finding yourself in a "screen-induced robot rut"**?

Here are 3 things to try:

1. Start from zero: Close your laptop, hide your notes and practice answering the question that's being asked - or the main idea behind the presentation. Speak in your human language...Then write down the 5-7 most important words in this answer. Free write your response in human language.

2. Build your safety net: What are three big questions this presentation is asking? What are 5-7 words that underpin your answers. Free write for 5 minutes. Circle your first and last sentences. Make sure they're both strong ones. Memorize them. And those 5-7 words can be on flash cards you have on hand.

3. Hire a coach. The more you can tap into your bravery, the more natural your speaking will be. Get help pulling the best you out from its hiding place and so you can shine your badass light.


**Coined by Rhian Ryan
++ Thanks to Hillary Rea


1:1 vs. 1:100


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